In the spring of 2018, The Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Foundation launched an initiative to further enhance the M. C. Blanchard Judicial Building by displaying donated artwork in prominent locations. A resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, Florida, supporting the Art in the Court project and authorizing the acceptance of artwork donated for display was adopted June 21, 2018.
The artwork to be installed were three vertical landscapes by ESRBA member and artist Paul Flounlacker. The three large complimentary pieces are hung above a public seating area on the first floor. The artwork is also visible from the employee entrance hallway.
On the stairway landing between the first and second floors, visitors and staff alike are welcomed by collage of Blood Chits, which were included in the survival kits of military aviators. Sometimes called Escape Flags, there printed in the local language and served as a pledge by the U. S. Government to reward anyone helping an American downed or lost airman. The Blood Chits on display were donated by the estate of The Honorable Joseph Q. Tarbuck, who served in the U. S. Army during the Korean War.
In the public seating area and corridor leading to the courtrooms on the fourth floor is photography by local photographers Eric Larson, Jr, Randy Fleming and Belinda Todd. A collection of three coastal wildlife photographers by Larson are displayed over a seating area opposite a photograph of the St. Augustine lighthouse by Fleming and Todd’s Pelican Perch. Escambia Bay Sunset by Belinda Todd completes the area.
Additional spaces have been identified. If you or someone you know would like to propose a piece for consideration by the Art in The Court committee, please contact the Bar office at 434-8135 or